Oct 20, 2007 17:03
I've been living in this bubble of science nerds and biofuel and internationalism for the past few days. And they treat you well in that world! The soy cheesecake was amazing. I was very much dreading World Food Prize, but I enjoyed it. I got to discuss "The King of Scotland" with an actual Ugandan! Although I did feel like a terribly sheltered individual after hearing all these people talk about their frequent travels to Africa, Latin America, China... I wish that I was more interested in science so that I could go on the Borlaug-Ruan internship, but I'll find other ways to go to amazing countries.
SIDE NOTE: Is it weird that I want Gene Kelly's legs? Well, I want Gene Kelly too, but I would settle for just his amazing legs. Especially his legs in nice, tight, black pants...
Now that I'm back in Marshalltown, I feel completly out of the loop. I really don't want to go back to school on Monday, since I'm now even more behind that I already was, and I seriously doubt that I'll do any work tomorrow because that's just the way I am.
SIDE NOTE: I'm eating desert pizza tonight!!! YESS!!!
Currently I'm drinking tea (thank God - first time since Wednesday) and eating chocolate (thank God - first time since Wednesday) and watching "The Pirate" which is a wholesomely cheesy movie with Judy Garland and Gene Kelly. Hence the lust for him and his legs. Oh, sweet, now he's adorned them with baggy stripy pants. Hott. :)
SIDE NOTE: Is it bad that I really want to hurt him? Not Gene Kelly, another him. A him that hasn't made an effort yet. I mean, I wanted to hurt him on Tuesday. I really want to go kiss a lot of boys. I'm pretty sure there are boys who would kiss me. I think I might hurt them in the process, when I really just want to hurt him. I'm not even sad about it anymore; I'm more just pissed and want revenge. I think I am a bad person. Whatever!
Man, oh man, any movie with Gene Kelly is good. I wish Judy Garland would get done with her singing number so that I could see Gene Kelly again. Hey, guess what? I get to go to bed whenever I freaking want tonight! And I get to wake up whenever I freaking want! Having no strict schedule is the awesome. You know what else is the awesome? Gene Kelly with sleeveless shirts. It's not fair that his top and bottom are hott.
I think I'm going to end this now. It's kind of long and lame. What can I say? I haven't talked to anyone I really know other than my dad for the past few days, so I have a lot to bitch about! I'm excited about everyone coming home.
ENDING SIDE NOTE: I want a dress with incredibly poofy sleeves and a big, huge skirt part.