
Feb 10, 2012 19:53

I was just thinking...

Most of the people on my flist are Whovians (and obviously Who is my current main fandom), but I was wondering if perhaps there were other fandoms/pairings we didn't know we had in common?  I'm always interested (and by "interested" I mean "flaily") to see, for example, on Tumblr when someone reblogs/posts a gifset/cap/etc. of a mutual fandom I didn't know they liked.

Anyway I thought I would just post a few of my other prominent, non-Who fandoms here in a pointless list just to see if there's anyone who's a closet fan or something.  So I can talk to you lovelies about...things...and...stuff.

(lol but you didn't really need to know that, did you?)
Harry Potter
(come to think of it though, DW/Sherlock/Merlin/HP kind of go together, don't they?  Most people who like one like the other three).
Gossip Girl
(and by that I mean Dan/Blair because obvi the show is shit but the pairing is gold)
NBC Comedy
 -30 Rock
(yes I ship Jack/Liz shut up)
 -Parks and Recreation
(Of course I ship Benslie and April/Andy but I have this weird thing for Ben/April...idek)
(I usually shy away from RPF but for some reason I can't stop shipping the shit out of everyone in comedy)
The Mentalist
(yes it's the most unsavory ship name ever invented but Jisbon is life)
The Office UK
(you guys I found two Tim/Dawn fics.  Fuckin' two.  Ugh.)
Arrested Development
(and let's not get into my weird ships for this, mmkay?)
That '70s Show
(Jackie/Hyde.  That is all.)
(home of my only currently-fulfilled OTP, whatsup!)
The X-Files
(helping me ship canon since 1993)
(bamf bamf bamf bamf bamf)
(A seven-season buildup and I'm just not into it anymore)
(lol jk rofl I just like Tony/Pepper)
New Girl
Pushing Daisies

...and a ton of others I'm surely forgetting.

general fandom

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