Feb 26, 2005 16:58
So last night's conflicts I'm pretty sure were all resolved. My lip is still swollen, which made my choir concert loads of fun, but it'll heal. No biggie. We sang some movements from Bach's St. John Passion. My favorite is #37b (I think that's the number...keep in mind the piece is freaking 250 pages long, so it's hard to keep everything straight). It's so fast and amazing and great, I get so exhilarated from singing it. And it's hard, too, which makes me enjoy it even more. There's certainly nothing easy about anything that we did today, and it's cool that we as a choir can accomplish something like that. Music is my happy place, always has been. I can't wait until we do the whole Passion. April 17th, with the Madison symphony orchestra, at the new Overture Center. Mark your calendars, it'll be an amazing concert. Plus, you know...you'll get to see me beam from my happy place.
Tonight is Drea's birthday party, which we should really call the 18th celebration of Drea's birthday (which was on Tuesday). Haha. Minus the bad rap music, it should be pretty amazing. Most of us just have so many friends coming, including a lot of Cold Stone people. So the group, at least, will be amazing. Oh, and we're stopping the party at 11 to watch GUTS, which we've found ourselves watching pretty much every day. You all can laugh, but you know you love Mike O'Malley just as much as we do. Don't judge. But we'll see which personality the party ends up deciding to take.
I've noticed that about parties. Each one starts off pretty much the same, but then they all take on their own personalities and end completely differently. There's just a different feel to each one, and sometimes it's funny to sit back and laugh at the course it's decided to run. Case in point, anti-valentine's party. Another case in point, last night.
Some of the more legible things that were written on my shirt:
"Drea Rules" (written by Drea, of course)
"W...What is ANYTHING?"
"I'll show you mine if you show me yours."
And a big "V" on my chest, for the V-Club. Gotta love that.
Lately I feel so blah. Just...uninteresting blah. I'm almost bored with myself and the mundaneness of my life lately. Too much library, I think. Far too much. Hefty semester to the extreme! I need something jazzy and fun to perk things up a bit. What's jazzy and fun?