I'm coming home in a month!!
Also, a few highlights of my life as of late:
- Tonight I'm going to a concert with Cécile...it's in the suburbs of Paris, that's all I can tell you.
- Next weekend I'm going to Paris to see "Measure for Measure" with Cécile...it'll be interesting because it's in French, and I've never even read it English.
- I joined a Monday night badminton club, which is a lot of fun...it's a great way for me to meet people from the community.
- I bought a winter coat last weekend....it has fake fur on the hood, which makes me laugh, but I like it. Not to mention, I think winter has finally arrived here...so it's been rather chilly. That polyester fur helps keep my face warm!!
- On Wednesdays I go to the pool with Cécile and Elisa...this week I swam 1.25 km!!
- The State of Michigan finally cashed Brian's check from our application to have the wedding at Van Buren State Park...let's hope we get the site!!
I'm really enjoying myself lately...I wish it hadn't taken me two months to feel completely comfortable, but oh well. I'm realizing that when the time comes to leave for good, I'm going to have a really hard time. I'm establishing so many relationships, it's going to be hard to give them up. The possibilty does exist that I can come back, though, which is a nice thought.
If you have a job lined up for me when I get home, I will love you forever. :)