Damn Torchhwood, damn damn Torchwood
It's not true, I refuse to believe it. Jack will find a way to give him life..... he will!!!!!!!!! *wail*
No. No, this is suicide for the show. Ianto as far as I am aware is one of the main characters as far as people's affection/loyalty goes. Is there expected to be a 4th series??? Cause by the look of it its going to get axed like Robin Hood was. They have got rid of the hub and the car - ok so they can replace that. But I don't think I have the emotional energy to grow attached to new members of a team. I could have got used to one or two, to replace Owen and Tosh. But they cant replace all of them now. In Doctor Who fine - you expect the rotation - that is why they hit on such a winning formula, cause it can carry on and the audience expects it. This I am not sure if I can watch a 4th series, Gwen and Jack (God, I can just see the writers trying to put them together). This is like Robin Hood, they kill everyone off, them realise no one wants to watch it any more and it gets dropped.
(I am holding my shiny new wodden sword that I got at a festival up to your neck)
.....and I am not in denial, really.
(contains Robin Hood spoilers since I have brought it into the conversation)