Title: Trust
Characters: Ruby, Dean Winchester
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Takes place after 4x09 with spoilers for the end of 4x10.
Disclaimer: Not mine
Written for the
100_ghosts prompt, pot calling the kettle black. Part of a plot bunny I'll hopefully explore one day.
"I know what you did for him." He's on edge, raising a shaking hand to rub at his eyes. "But I also know what you are, what you're capable of and I just can't, not now."
He looks back up at her with anger, resentment, disgust and a little fear. He's back alive and whole with enough help to keep him that way, and sometimes she's so envious she wants to slit his throat.
"You were saved Dean, the rest of us weren't so lucky. Don't forget, I know what you're capable of too." He flinches and she walks away.