Spn, drabble

Oct 27, 2008 13:08

They’ve been dancing around each other for too long, but this time feels different. There’s some order hidden in Lilith’s otherwise erratic and sadistic actions.

He hears whispers down the ranks. She’s keeping her cards close, but there’s enough to get a picture he doesn’t like.

Lilith is all flash and grand gestures, keeps everyone’s attention ( Read more... )

spn, drabble

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Comments 14

iamstealthyone October 28 2008, 01:22:32 UTC
Nicely done. I like how you contrast the way Lilith works with how Azazel operates.


jane_lane18 October 28 2008, 23:26:36 UTC
Thanks! I wish we could have a scene with the two of them on the show.


scribed_n_blood October 28 2008, 13:01:15 UTC
Not to mimic the above commenter but I was thinking the same thing.. excellent use of comparison and contrast. Also it was refreshing to read something other than the usual SPN parings. Nicely done. =)


jane_lane18 October 28 2008, 23:27:58 UTC
Thanks! I may be a little too interested in the demons.

Love your icon ;D


scribed_n_blood October 29 2008, 02:31:24 UTC
I may be a little too interested in the demons.
Ok..that was giggle worthy. *grins*
You just keep putting your love for those demons down on paper and you should make more than just yourself happy.

Thanx for the comment on the icon!! Seriously. So far most of the responses to it have been negative..poor little covered in dog blood, possessed by Lilith little girl(!) apparently she freaks some people out. Who woulda guessed?

Take care. :)


jane_lane18 October 29 2008, 02:55:39 UTC
Freaky little supernatural girls will never get old for me. From the little girl in the Ring to Lilith covered in blood, they are scarily awesome with their doll-like facades.

You too ;D


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jane_lane18 October 29 2008, 02:26:02 UTC
Thank you! I look forward to reading what you're writing.


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jane_lane18 October 29 2008, 02:48:28 UTC
Ahh you give me fic when I really should be doing homework, I'm conflicted now (ok, not really ;) Thanks for the link!


wingsunfurled October 30 2008, 00:24:04 UTC
I really love this ♥

I love the differences shown between Azazel and Lilith and it always refreshing to read some well written fic with Azazel in it. There is not nearly enough and I have this unhealthy obsession/love for him. ♥


jane_lane18 October 30 2008, 01:37:16 UTC
Thank you!

I didn't expect so much Azazel love, makes me want to write more of him. He's an intriguing guy.


tigriswolf October 30 2008, 02:00:28 UTC
Ooh, I like.


jane_lane18 October 30 2008, 23:34:49 UTC
Thanks for reading!


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