So, surgery. It went well. Hannah Sunshine stayed with me and knitted and said mean things - "I could actually imagine that hospital gown as a normal part of your wardrobe. I mean, with a scarf tied around the waist." I adore her.
It went well, by the way, means "I'm in ridiculous pain, but at least they didn't have to remove an ovary." Meanwhile, I get to sit here and gloat about having delicious friends who shower me with soap bubbles and fake flowers. Rachel and Sasha brought me these, and a huge pink posterboard declaration of love, signed by more loves.
Ariana picked up horrifyingly necessary Vicodin, g'bless her so, and Blonde Ariana mixed me a lovely CD, and Megan and M'rissa both sent me loving little care packages.
Yesterday Tristan borrowed Robot, and now I have a collection of his midterm essays, all super flip. Examples: "I’ve chosen jazz because it’s the sort of subject I’ve been mildly interested in for years . . ."
"Edward I Takes on the Roman-Era Spanish Tribes in a Large, Metal Cage"
"So I says to Mabel I says Spain has presented an extremely difficult obstacle for many years."
Years. That's his theme. Mine is fruit. Speaking of which, the cyst, it wasn't the size of a softball. It was the size of a grapefruit. Or a small melon. They told Sunshine and I different types of produce.
'ranana is off to California, and I, I am going to . . . France, but I don't believe it. At all. Partly because I don't want to believe that the first time I'll be in Paris I'll be too worn out and sore to freak out with joy. Mostly because Hannahla will be there, and to see her so soon (tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow) is kind of just fantastical and not possibly truth.
Fa. I still have to pack and try to comprehend tomorrow's journey. Oh, and I have to do laundry. Um, please come do my laundry.
Mostly this is a happy entry. Here is a picture of Bunny and I laughing and being very very happy. Which is not something I can do right now (the laughing part), because it hurts. Grump grump grump. Anyway, the happy, the Bunny, the Sophie: