Mar 08, 2006 20:14
Ok, the funniest thing happened today.
The fat kid in my class Jason who's a greaseball and an asshole was sitting down in the cafeteria today.
All of a sudden me and Hannah heard a crack and looked at each other and then Hannah looked at Jason and the back of his chair split in two. Holy shit, it was hilarious.
Who cares he's a jerk.
And has a side bang beccause he hasnt cut his hair in like 20 months let alone showered.
I'm a bitch.
And I told off Bridget today because she went around saying stuff about hannah and Krizia to the guys in the class.
Like private stuff .
fucking bitch.
And she was like your mean jane face it and i was like i know but only to you becausei fuckjing hate you.
And then everyone was like yeah.. really ?
Shes a bitchhhh.
Like you dont tell guys in the class about other peoples personal life, and like this was personal.And she said she hadnt sworn to secrecie about it so she could tell anyone?
And I was like Bridget thats mean she wa slike i dont care and i was like thats why everyone hates you.
And yeah it was funny.
Everyone hates her know.
Fuck, I'm mad.
But I'm not I just love telling her off, its so easy.
and she was saying how i had no friends when her room is like star trek mania and she hangs out with Dennis, a guy wh never talks.
I hate her, her nose is big, she has acne and a reallu ugly hair cut, her pants are up to her ankles and she wears ORANGE ALL THE TIME. All the time, seriously.
Everyone hates her cause she goes around spreading stuff that is none of her business and no one even tells ehr this stuff she easedrops.
I fucking hate people like that.
I Am a bitch, I know dont tell me.
She tried to tell me off and I was like I dont take insults? I dont care, say whatever you want and was like thatss cause tyour use to it and I was like i know I'm a bitch, if you didnt know that your an idiot.
Fuck you hoebag.
I'm very angry.
Anyways, today was cool, didnt do any classes, some junior acheivment shit.
It was aight.
Went to lunch, with Jon Smith, Krizia, Hannah and Lauren.
Had a bagel and a muffin.
Sum good.
After school hung out in the computer lab, Krizia came over, we hung out.
Then she left and I wrote a poem aboiut Ireland for school.
Gotta go now, play WoW