Apr 11, 2005 19:08
So, I have some bad/scary news. It won't matter to anyone who's reading this, but this is a journal, right? I figure I can voice my opinions and concerns here. This one in particular's a big concern.
My car is actually my ex-boyfriend's (Zack's) car. I have always been the one making payments and paying for the insurance and whatnot, but it is actually in his name (except the insurance) because I have somewhat bad credit. It was cheaper to do it this way (we were together at the time, of course), but now I am regretting it. My almost-absolutely-official move-to-Rhode-Island date is May 6. Almost-absolutely-official means something like 95% certain. Okay, so, pretty exciting. I hadn't intended to tell Zack I was moving until things were 100% certain, because I figure he has the right to know the car is going far away, but I didn't want to freak him out until I really had to. Well, since people have left comments on my MySpace page asking me about my move, and Zack checks my page periodically, the information sort of leaked out a little prematurely. That's okay, it broke the ice for me. But Zack informed me today that the car can't go with me to Rhode Island because only he can register the car (I didn't know that since I've been the one re-registering it this whole time). It's in his name, so apparently only he can go to the DMV in Rhode Island and have it registered in that state. Obviously, that's not going to happen 'cause he doesn't live in RI. Long story short: I have to buy the car outright. It's around five thousand dollars... I don't exactly have that much. My only hope is to go to the bank tomorrow and ask for a personal loan. I pray to God I get it, because if I don't, I don't know what I'll do. I'll have no choice but to stay in Las Vegas until I can pay off the car??? Fuck that! I can barely stand to be here a whole other month, much less however long it'd take to pay off a car. So, anyway, wish me luck. I hope my credit doesn't make it too difficult to take out a loan.
Another thing I'm worried about regarding my move is, of course, finding a job. I am signing on with a contracting company called TEKsystems, but first I have to build a resume! Well, it is already done for the most part, but I have to add my current job title/information to it, and it's unbelievably difficult to accomplish. My title sounds cool all on its own, but making my job sound cool takes a little more thought. I have had two anxiety attacks in the last four days because every time I try to work on the resume, I start freaking out thinking I might not be able to find a job and I'd be screwed in Rhode Island. I'm moving to Rhode Island whether I have a job lined up or not. Scary, huh? I figure I'll have a little bit of money saved up... enough to get by for a month or so without a job. I think I can probably find a job, even a crappy one, immediately to get by on until TEKsystems finds me something. I'm really hoping it all works out. This is a huge move and I am forfeiting a lot... but I guess sometimes you just have to do crazy shit.