(no subject)

Oct 15, 2008 13:18

I am yoinking this idea fromrandibeemanbecause I really liked the idea of listing ten things I am thankful for.

1. My Hubby comes home in exactly one week!
2. I found really pretty table runners at Costco I am going to turn into a beautiful skirt.
3. I found an awesome apron at Goodwill -- and it was free because I had store credit.
4. I found amazing cloth table napkins which I also got with my store credit that I am going to sew into a cute demi apron.
5. That minus a few hiccups now and again, I have fallen into a true habit of having a very clean house.
6. My kids were the best behaved at church tonight.
7. The three of them look so darned cute in their new feety jammies
8.The Office is back with new eppies (totally stealing this one Randa, because you are RIGHT).
9. My hair looked even more amazing today than it did yesterday! Pictures~>(katiecarleski.blogspot.com/)
10. I taught my kids about cholorphil today, and we watched the leaves change colour.

And because I had such a great day! I am adding an eleventh.

11. Watching Robert take pictures of me with both is camera and mine this evening we so darned cute and fun!
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