Feb 02, 2007 00:45
Man I was having a look at some of my past journal entries and i can't help but saying i was so full of shit half the time.....verbal diarea (yes incorrect spelling i know) is another word for it. Anyway I now have broadband so I can post on this dang thing as much as i want. In news this month. I have embarked on a weightloss plan. As some of you may have known i was severly depressed for the better part of 2006 which resulted in me gaining 25 kgs during the year which i am now attempting to lose. I also quit my job at farmers after having a break down in the managers office. Good times. I have also *found* my mate Tia, who I had not heard from in long long time...im glad im back in the loop ^_^ me miss Tia xx. I have 2 weeks until i go back to school. What else....um im basically a loner.