I've got no lips

Mar 02, 2005 18:56

AHHHHH! I just studied for almost 2 hours straight.. While watching the Spongebob movie but hey I was trying. The movie was actually funny, but I'm really immature so I bet all you sophisticated people would hate it.

Softball tryouts are in two weeks. SHOOOOT.
Michelle's birthday is in one week. HOOOOORAY.

As the subject says, I have no lips. I've been biting them so much lately that they like, almost need stiches. It's a very bad habit.

My cheeks are red. That means I'm either sick or embarassed. I think I'm sick. Temporary sickness though. It happens on days where grass is out. No grass is out. I hate my nose and its sensitivity to grass.

Kyle came over last night to pick up his paintball gun that was shipped to my house because we bought it on my fathers ebay account. His gun is cool. He stayed for a while and we reminiced about old times. Gay chicken anyone? Kerianne & Kyle are the only people who will find that funny.

People sometimes tell me I have nice skin. Those people have never seen my legs. I have eczema and it is bad today. Eledel doesn't work. There is no cure. Why can't we find a cure?! We can cure cancer in early stages and prevent Hep. C but we can't cure a common skin disease. Isn't that strange..

Dermatologists should get a move on.
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