(no subject)

Mar 12, 2006 14:22

Yesterday I took a dress to Alyce's
Rox and I went for lunch on Melb St
I had really good sizzling calamari
But our chips came as we were finishing our mains and I found that irritating
Then went to West Lakes
Bought some hot earrings, blushing balls and some fruit
Went to the beach
Got burnt
This old man behind us had the smallest umbrella ever- and Rox and I were coming back from the water and he's like, "You girls can share my shade if you like?" and I just laughed and Rox is like nah, we're right
Haha his umbrella was the size of a cocktail decoration- I don't know what the fuck this old knob was thinking
Haha, then next to us, about 10 metres down were some OTHER old men
They were full on leather skinned, ano, wrinkly old men- the kind you dream of marrying one day
They kept running around in the water and running back to their shelter and then we realised that everytime they got back to their little shelter they stripped their speedos off- so they were literally all lying around with their WANGS exposed to eachother Haha
I think they were gay and VERY disorientated- because Maslins was a fair few KM's away
They were gross
One of them even had a shoe string speedo
At least there weren't swimming nude- that's something

Then last night I met the girls at Chocolat- and then some of them wanted to go to Mansions to get cheap drinks
I walked in
Wanted to leave
Alyce was having a panic because she had a new pair of Prada round toed pumps on- and she thought they would get ruined
So we left
Went to the Stag
Saw Lea- her show was on there, we managed to skip the line, it was good
But too hot
I had to leave Blergh
We got food
Then went to Rocket Bar
Was good
Stayed there for a few hours- then I decided to take Lea home, she had passed out on the toilet and had been asleep for a good ten mins Haha
So walked around, up to Enigs looking for a cab
Found one
Got back to my car
Drove her home


Tonight I think I am going out to drink, sit, and maybe one dance but only if they play Fallout Boy- which they won't so I will not dance
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