Oct 27, 2006 09:53
...mainly because of the Bill and Ted show.... *^^* *^^* omg *^^*
I got to sit on the end this time, and when Captain Jack Sparrow came up the isle, and THIS time he sat on MY lap!!!!!!!! sooooooo happy---> *^^* He put his arm around my neck, and sat down! I was thrilled.. omg. He has such a hot body, and i soooooooo hugged his torso to death... i was sooo giddy. Not to mention the show has some new twists that were hilarious, and one of the other actors even made a guy like pause and chuckle a bit.. it was awesome. There are several images i can't get outta my head... it was totally awesome. The whole night was full of fun, I had to Yeager bombs... they're actually pretty tasty. Omg.... the many many Robosaurus jokes... so funny. Philosophical debates eating fries, i bounced a penny into the MIDDLE of a yeager bomb cup for a lap dance, i was sooo proud of that. I got TRULY scared when i thought i had really lost my phone on the mummy ride... i ran back and the guy had it, much relief. I think i 'startled'/'scared' kitty once during the night, it was truely just awesome! I danced through one of the houses, and a guy at the end danced a bit with me... it was awesome. I can't WAIT for sunday and tuesday! many <3's.