Jul 24, 2009 23:00
OK, so I have been and continue to be fighting some kind of "BUG", my lungs are "CRAPPY
SOUNDING" and my blood work is "KINDA WEIRD" where my white count and kidney function is concerned. All of the capitalized words were direct quotes from my Dr. whom I dearly love and trust completely. so he then scared me beyond belief by confiding to me that he was a little concerned
about the possibility of Congestive Heart Failure, this was said in a calm voice as he called the hospital and asked them to come to his office to draw blood stat for some kind of a test that I will not
attempt to pronounce. He explained that it was super sensitive to the heart irregularity he was concerned with. Need I say that the next couple of days were a little nerve racking.
Results are back, heart is fine, Thank You God !!!! But we still don't know what is going on with me
I am now on strong antibiotics twice a day for 30 days then repeat blood work and maybe go for 30 more days. HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY....Please Lord don't let this cause any of the problems
that so many antibiotics are known to cause women. So three days into the antibiotics and I really
want to say ah yes feeling better....I really want to say that, really I do.......
However I don't feel any worse and that is a plus. Now if I could just crawl into bed and sleep or at
least just snuggle under the covers and read and not have to participate in the happenings of the world around me, that would suit me just fine.
GEEEZZZZEEEEE... POOR POOR PITIFUL ME HUH. Oh well I am safe posting and feeling sorry for me because no one ever reads any of this so BLEEEHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!