The same love will infect our hearts

Mar 16, 2012 02:32

I'll dance.

I'll wait here. And then I'll dance again.

That's all. It isn't just the same ballet.

It's the same performance.

I don't dance. I echo.

Please - can you make it stop?

I really wonder if it's time to move away from this fandom. The hatred and aggression are things that make me very afraid and if I think that at bottom, Buffy wanted to convey hope for a fairer world, I think that the hatred of fans towards other fans, is certainly out of place. Shut himself each in their own beliefs, without being able to communicate in an authentic way, in this world called "forums" where, people's feelings are trampled and derided, between the indifference generally, scares me a lot and do not want to arouse feelings of hatred with my words. I do not want to contribute to the wave of hatred, I do not want.

Bangel, Spuffy, Angel, Spike .. are things that do not exist, do not forget.

The friendship (albeit virtual) yes, that there exists. Feeling empathy for a person who does not know (and maybe never know in real life), also that exists, because that's what I'm talking about. Empathy. Is it really so wrong speak in defense of a virtual friend? Is it really that hard to understand that certain limits must not be exceeded?

Respect others' opinions is thing sacred, even if you belong to the opposing "faction".

Internet is fascinating for me, allows me to read the world, a world that I could never know in any way and for me, all this is magic, but if I lock myself in a small cell (Bangel, spuffy or whatever) this world becomes too narrow ..yes, believe that if I move away from this fandom, I leave intact the good memories

(Ireland 1753)

Darla: This contest is ended, is it?
Angelus: Now I’ve won.
Darla: Are you sure?
Angelus: Of course. I proved who had the power here.
Darla: You think?
Angelus: What?
Darla: Your victory over him took but moments.
Angelus: Yes?
Darla: But his defeat of you will last life times.
Angelus: What are you talking about? He can’t defeat me now.
Darla: Nor can he ever approve of you... in this world or any other. What we once were informs all that we have become. The same love will infect our hearts, even if they no longer beat. Simple death won’t change that.
Angelus: Love? Is this the work of love?

What has to see this dialogue with my speech? :)

meditate people, meditate always and only love


I'll dance.

I'll wait here. And then I'll dance again.

That's all. It isn't just the same ballet.

It's the same performance.

I don't dance. I echo.

Please - can you make it stop?

Mi chiedo davvero se non sia arrivato il momento di lasciarsi alle spalle questo fandom. L’odio e l’aggressività sono cose che mi fanno molta paura e se penso che infondo, Buffy voleva trasmettere speranza per un mondo più giusto, penso che l’odio dei fans verso altri fans, sia quanto meno fuori luogo. Il chiudersi ognuno nelle proprie convinzioni, senza riuscire a comunicare in modo autentico, in questo mondo che chiamano “forum di discussione”, dove i sentimenti delle persone sono calpestati e derisi di fronte all’indifferenza generale, mi spaventa molto e non voglio alimentare sentimenti d’odio. Io non ci sto.

Bangel, Spuffy, Angel, Spike ..sono cose che non esistono, non dimentichiamolo.

L’amicizia (anche se virtuale) si, quella esiste. Sentire empatia verso una persona che non conosci (e che forse non conoscerai mai nella vita reale), anche quella esiste, perché è di questo che sto parlando. L’empatia. È davvero così sbagliato prendere le difese di un amica virtuale? È davvero così difficile non comprendere che certi limiti non devono essere superati?

Il rispetto delle altrui opinioni è cosa sacra, anche se appartieni alla "fazione" opposta.

Internet per me è affascinante, mi permettere di leggere il mondo, un mondo che non potrei mai conoscere in altro modo e per me, tutto questo è magico, ma se devo chiudermi in una piccola cella (bangel, spuffy o quant’altro) questo mondo diventa troppo stretto .. sì, credo che se mi allontano da questo fandom, lascio intatti i bei ricordi.

(Ireland 1753)

Darla: This contest is ended, is it?
Angelus: Now I’ve won.
Darla: Are you sure?
Angelus: Of course. I proved who had the power here.
Darla: You think?
Angelus: What?
Darla: Your victory over him took but moments.
Angelus: Yes?
Darla: But his defeat of you will last life times.
Angelus: What are you talking about? He can’t defeat me now.
Darla: Nor can he ever approve of you... in this world or any other. What we once were informs all that we have become. The same love will infect our hearts, even if they no longer beat. Simple death won’t change that.
Angelus: Love? Is this the work of love?

Che cosa ha a vedere questo dialogo con il mio discorso? :)

meditate gente, meditate ..è sempre e solo amore


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