A&F #7 Summary and Review by kairosimperfect

Mar 01, 2012 13:44

Originally posted by (kairosimperfect
at A&F #7, Summary and Review

is a balanced review and it is interesting the vision of Kairos on the old and unresolved 
Angel-Angelus issue.
Warning, contains spoilers

So the new Angel & Faith issue was interestingly enough, even if I'm worried for Angel, if it continues in its plan to convey the soul of Giles in his body, of Angel will stay little and is a suicide.

I really love what Connor was mentioned (finally). Loved that bit, but I do not like that Angel avoids contact with his son, although I understand his motives. I predicted this attitude of Angel and I was not surprised, but what surprised me (pleasantly) is the fact that is Connor that trying to get in contact with Angel, I think it's the first time it happens.

Angel? please, remember ..if you separate yourself from the ones you love, the monster wins

So yes, overall I liked it enough. The only off bit in the issue, is when Faith suddenly changes her opinion on her father. It just felt too sudden to me.

fanart mine

btvs season nine, angel & faith season nine, angelus, buffy season nine, angel

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