Jan 27, 2006 08:24
Bubble Kids
Have you noticed the new stroller designs? The ones that I shake my head at the most are the bubble modules that encase the child, shielding them from that damn fresh air. I'm not so sure those kids even know they're outside. My sister bought one of them for my niece and it was like a living room on wheels. Every time the two of them venture outside, or I should say every time the little princess is chauffeured around the neighborhood, it is like spending a week in the wilderness; she has her juice box and snack pack, Game Boy, crossword puzzles, books, Mr. Boo her favorite stuffy, snake bite kit, oxygen tank and mask in case any of that outside air leaked in, moisturizer in case her bubble got a little dry, and walkie talkie so she could communicate with her mom.
What ever happened to those strollers from back in the day? If you grew up in the 80's you know the ones I'm talking about; the "Spinabifitah" model as I like to call them. When you sat in them your shoulders hunched over and your spine folded in half so that your face was almost completely buried in your crotch. They were so collapsible that they could be reduced to the size of a folded umbrella. I was the youngest in a big family, so by the time that stroller reached my ass it was faded almost all the way through. And look how well I turned out. There's the small issue of that hump on my back..... but hey I can walk.