Nov 11, 2008 10:49
yes. i do have florida state's fight song stuck in my head. very rare i know.
well school has been going well and john is coming to see me on friday so i think this calls for an update.
grant is also coming. this is very rare.
john is getting here on friday, and he will have to sit through various band activities, but on saturday he's going to the football game. and this is cool because he's never been to a football game. well like a legit football game. saturday night kathryn and me and him are cooking dinner and we are going to chill at the lake house with my parents and on sunday i really want to take him to Caesars head, my favorite place in the world, and to some waterfalls in NC. but it should be a very sweet weekend.
the next few weekends/weeks are going to be packed with shit to do and im excited to get it over with because then i get to go home for christmas. i miss morgan. :( i miss her real bad. i miss kenny too. but i miss morgan most.
this weekend john comes as i said. and then the next weekend im going to UVA for the football game. then the next weekend is thanksgiving/carolina football game. it's all very sweet.
ive switched my major to history with a minor in anthropology. i want to be an archaeologist. people make fun of me for this. aka my mom and dad. but ive thought a lot about it and it's something i think i would really enjoy doing. i could do history, there's some analytical chemistry to it and i would be able to travel. i could pretty much get a job at any ivy league school and teach and and travel and be awesome. my parents are not happy about this. they think i will have no future. i got into a heated argument with them last night about it. and i told them that history is the only thing i can do. and if they can find me something else that i could do at this school then let me know. otherwise history seems to be the best bet.
OH WELLZ. today ive got to write my lab report. i hear it's shorter than my last two...this one should only be 10 opposed to the 20 pages i had to write previously. ive also got to help kathryn with hers and go shopping for clemson apparel for john. good thing it's 11 AM and i am finished with my classes and still have time to nap!