I often work up character sheets for my characters because I tend to work on more than one thing at once and it helps me to keep the details straight. I actually had these ones lying around for a couple years as I kept back burnering the idea. But since I'm bringing this out for this year's nano, I blew the dust off of them and revamped them a bit because I've already changed several things in my mind. So here are the two protagonists of the lamely titled Behind Blue Eyes. Let me know what you think.
Character Sheet
NAME: Dr. Aneurin Shyroth
FATHER: passed on, Trevelyan
SIBLINGS: Rhisiart (older brother), Nerys (older sister)
RELATIONSHIP: has no one in his life at the moment he was given a toy by his friend, Pherick.
HEIGHT: 6’1”
WEIGHT: 185 lbs.
EYES: bright blue
HAIR: walnut brown, straight, kept short.
BUILD: he’s built decently, well muscled but not overly defined
NOTABLE FEATURES: his smile, cleft chin, square jaw
VOICE: baritone
ACCENT: has a high bred lilting accent.
HOBBIES: he dabbles in art
HABITS: stands up for those who can’t do it for themselves, not afraid of his peers, has a habit of working too hard
JEWELRY: has a signet ring that functions as a computer interface
PERSONALITY/HISTORY - Aneurin is born into extreme wealth. He’s very interested in science and would like to avoid politics but as Shyroth is a major house and he has a say in it, he can’t always avoid it.
He works far harder than most of his wealthy peers. He’s not dilettante in his field. He has had a very easy life in general. He was genetically designed for perfection in appearance and health. He’s never really had to struggle. He likes the family business of genetic engineering and pharmaceutical research but he likes the science end not the business. Aneurin was a child prodigy, in college by eight years old and had his doctorate by eleven. He works as a geneticist.
He had a close relationship with his father and his passing is about the hardest thing Aneurin has ever dealt with.
He is a philanthropist, or at least tries to be whenever he’s out of his lab. Aneurin is a workaholic, often going for a few days without stopping, not even for sleep. Aneurin has a passion for mysteries and music and swimming. Almost every home he owns has a pool of some type. Swimming is his haven. He’s good friends with Ekain Charging Thunder, another doctor, Mireio and a music producer, Thanda. He’s been friends with Pherick his whole life even though Pherick is flighty and not tremendously bright. Aneurin appreciates that Pherick is sweet and generally kind hearted.
He’s never wanted a toy until a clueless Pherick gives him one for his thirtieth birthday after being tricked into it by a mutual ‘friend.’ Aneurin has no idea what to do with Kaleo but has a renewed interest in his father’s work with ending the practice of Toys. He’s horrified to learn they are not willing sex trade workers but rather slaves and learns quickly that most people owning them don’t realize the full extent of the horrors afflicted on the Toys. Aneurin has only one goal in mind for Kaleo: to put an end to the practice and expose it for what it his, not realizing the danger he’s putting himself in.
Character Sheet
NAME: Kaleo Keahi
BIRTHPLACE: Chi Alpha Five Prison
FATHER: he thinks his father was a Mishani who was part of a rape gang. He doesn’t know his father is Ekain Charging Thunder, a high powered Mishani merchant who was his mother’s lover before she was sent down
MOTHER: Laniakea Keahi (so Kaleo thinks. Her surname is actually Vorray, a very prominent family)
SIBLINGS: only child
RELATIONSHIP: he was involved with Dovon, another young man born in the prison until Kaleo went to try and earn citizenship. He’s now Aneurin’s toy
HEIGHT; 5’7”
WEIGHT: 155 lbs.
HAIR: black with deep blue rosettes like a leopard. He always kept it shaved or buzz cut back home. It’s been growing out for a year and has a subtle wave to it
EYES: an inhuman shade of sapphire and are very cat like with nearly no whites visible and slit pupiled (He also has the multi-focal cat-like lens and sees about twice the amount of colors as a full bred human). His eyes are almond shape.
SKINTONE: olive toned
BUILD: he’s wiry
MARKS/SCARS: He has two Mishani skin markings (the Mishani have patterned skin, think Trill on DS9), one between his shoulder blades and one in the small of his back, both are dark, Fibonacci spirals (a highly prized Mishani mark), has a long scar on his belly from a stabbing and a laser scar on his right upper arm) and other miscellaneous scars. He was branded with the Shyroth family crest on his right butt cheek after he was bought for Aneurin. He once had two tattoos. One on his left arm that was his gang marking and one on his hip.
NOTABLE FEATURES: his Mishani mixed species heritage
VOICE: tenor
ACCENT: has a slum accent, coarse speech.
HOBBIES: staying alive in the slum, he learned he can play music by ear and was earning his keep with it at the illegal but profitable bar he lived and worked at, whatever parkour/free running will be called centuries in the future,
HABITS: his fingers are always busy
JEWELRY: whatever Aneurin wants him to wear, so far nothing. Had a scrotal piercing done by the people who sold him, the dangle is the Shyroth crest. Aneurin wants him to remove it but now it’s a big fuck you to the world for Kaleo
PERSONALITY/HISTORY - Kaleo only knows that his mother was once rich but was blamed for her father’s murder and sent to the slums. He thinks he’s the result of a rape gang as his mother didn’t want him wishing for his wealthy father to move heaven and earth to save him from the slums.
When Laniakea was alive, their life was rough but not particularly miserable. The prison slum is more of a city on a crappy planetoid than a prison with bars. He was born out in the more rural area onto a farm where he and his mother helped farm but when he was seven he had aged into the famer’s tastes in children. After Kaleo bit him hard on the penis and his mother beat the man up, she ran with Kaleo back into the heart of Alpha Chi Five to Mr. Tau, a man her mother had known well. He had been sent down for scamming far too many people out of their life savings but Tau is an expert at surviving. His illegal bar is a hub of activity for the criminals and the guards alike. Kaleo worked there for the rest of his time in the slum. Kaleo fell in with a protection gang, a group of kids born in the slum that try to keep the peace and actively combat the rape gangs and the worst there is to be found in the place.
Kaleo fell in love with Dovon, a young man he grew up with and started his sexual explorations with him. They kept it as quiet as they could, trying to avoid getting swept up with gang life, especially the rape gangs who tended to file homosexuals under the same category as women: prey.
He was very close to his mother who had only one real rule. ‘Do not attempt to get your citizenship.’ She died when he was sixteen. For four years, he tried to obey that rule but she had never told him why and Kaleo assumed that it was because she was so bitter about what had happened to her. He and Dovon listened to the citizenship recruiter. Five years of work at one of the Major Houses and they could earn an i.d. chip and be citizens. Dovon’s sister got deathly ill so it was decided he’d follow Kaleo when he could.
Kaleo prays his friend never did. It was all a lie. He was put through psych tests/mind probes and slated for toy training. They hooked wiring into his hypothalamus to control his arousal and sex hormone levels by remote. Selective frontal lobe damage helped create a hypersexual state. Another device was implanted just over his collar bone that could inflict agony at a touch of a button. He was then turned over for toy training, strict obedience, techniques for blow/hand jobs, various fetishes, but they decided that they’d keep him for those who want to be someone’s first since they could get more money for someone ‘virginal’ as far as anal went.
After a year in that hell, Kaleo finds himself the possession of some high class prick, Aneurin. He slowly learns that he could have been given to someone so much worse and that his master is actually a kind man. That doesn’t make him hate his life less. Kaleo has no control over his own body. Aneurin had the pain device removed but there is nothing that can be done about the brain damage other than medication to suppress his sex drive. Still, he has no way of knowing if the feelings he’s developing for Aneurin are real or something born out of the master/toy relationship and all the hormones that constantly flood his body. Now he has an easy, soft life but being possessed completely has robbed him of any joy.