Sometimes you get inspired by random chunks of conversation. In this case, there is someone I went to h.s. with who is relatively conservative (not anti-women, anti-gay at least not openly or she'd be gone from my flist) and she was talking about her cop husband starting to learn the bagpipes. One of her friends whom I don't know drops in to say 'if XXX lets them put him in those skirts, his man card is going to get pulled permanently.'
And since I don't like people dropping into my comments to stir the shit, I didn't say anything but I'm sitting here laughing my ass off. For one, most of the women I know LOVE a man in a kilt. It's a thing. It's real. We do NOT see men in kilts as being 'unmanly.' Secondly, I'd love to see all of Scotland hit this narrow minded, malingering dickhole like a runaway train. Preferably while wearing kilts.
So somewhere along the line I'd love to write a little scene about someone like him getting his comeuppance. Probably no time soon but seriously I would love it. It's a needed thing. Just saying. Also I would like to see some men in kilts right about now.
And changing gears just slightly, here is another giveaway for Soldiers of the Sun. The rafflecopter one is over but here is the one from Goodreads. Feel free to share it around.
Goodreads Book Giveaway
Soldiers of the Sun by
Jana Denardo Giveaway ends September 21, 2015.
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giveaway details at Goodreads.
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