It's been a few weeks but now that my nano write ins are over (they were Wednesdays) I hope to get back to this more regularly.
WHAT I'M READING I just finished reading
High Maga, by Karin Rita Gastreich, another goodreads win. I'm enjoying this fantasy but hadn't realized it was a sequel so I feel like I'm missing huge chunks of it. And I finished
Homeward Bounders by Diana Wynne Jones for classic YA lit to finish a reading bingo. I've just started it so it's too soon to say much.
I'm reading
The Cruel Stars of the Night. I’m really trying SO hard to get into this Scandinavian mystery craze but man, every one I’ve tried has been dark, depressing and/or boring. So far this is two out of three.
I revamped chapter 2 for my vampires in Vegas novel Blood Red Roulette which was my goal for this. Okay it’s still on paper and I need to type it in but it was finals week and I had grades to deal with. It DID get done though.
I also made it through my other goal, to write a scene for the faux Vikings story. I’m not sure where this is going but I do have good ideas for it.
My goals for this week are to edit chapter three of the vampires’ story and to do my fanfiction gifts for the holidays. I don’t do fanfic as much as I used to but I DO like doing it for my friends for the holidays. I have a lot of drabbles to write.
WHAT WORKS FOR ME Knowing I have someone depending on me to finish a story for them. I don’t want to disappoint anyone. That helps me set reasonable goals and motivates me to finish things that might otherwise languish.
Nothing good, sadly. I just received news that both my lumbar spine and right hip are degenerating. That arthritis explains all the pain I’ve been in. Well, nothing to do for it but to get the MRI and see where we go from here. I’ve already had surgery to clean out two shoulders and a knee so it’s not like it’s new to me.
I did get the shaky shack decorated for the holidays but it was so sad I didn’t take pictures.
I did, however, have fun at the Steampunk Yule event. It was a lovely reprieve from the crap swirling around here. Here’s a pic from it.
What’s Up Wednesdays is a blog hop hosted weekly by Jamie Morrow and Erin Funk to help authors network. You can find the rest of the WUW blog hop