That is certainly an appropriate nickname for the city I just visited in Florida. Maybe I would have enjoyed it more if I actually left the city center and hit the beach or something, but there wasn't a way to do that.
Highlights from the trip
1. The guy I sat next to on the flight out had been married for 25 years, has 3 kids and a bad back. He used to work construction, hurt his back and 3 surgeries later it still hurts and he was addicted to vicodin for 8 years off and on. Good to know.
2. I can get along fairly well with one of my officemates (not the robot) for 2 days or until she goes psycho because she has a talk to give. Then she becomes demanding and bitchy and crazy.
3. I'm more approachable in a suit. A man in front of me at Quiznos was a little flirty. He was sort of cute, in a dopey way, but I liked him. He pointed out the building that
some kid flew into after 9/11. Remember that? It was cool to see the building. Oh, and the guy ordered a 'mesqueeet' chicken sandwich. It was sort of cute.
4. I felt sick to my tummy most of the time and couldn't eat any food at an awesome Tapas place my advisor, his wife and another professor and his wife took me to. I felt silly sipping on tea and water, trying not to look at the food or smell it. I have a bad feeling that I'm too set in my ways when I'm at home and my body freaks out when I leave town and doesn't like the odd eating/sleeping schedule. This has me worried about my upcoming interview where I'll be staying with a postdoc for 2 days. Please let me be able to eat! Does anybody else have this when they travel?
As you can see it was a pretty dull trip. How to spice up this boring story? Ah yes, the usual magic ingredients are kitties or monkeys and I choose a monkey story to spice this up.
On the airplane ride home, there was a baby marmoset on the plane! I saw the stewardesses carrying around what looked to be Pkitty's lover JMO (a stuffed monkey for those of you who aren't familiar). Everybody was oogling at the thing and I was like, wow, a stuffed monkey! I overheard her tell somebody that he was a comfort pet for one of the passengers who had come to Tampa to buy him and that he was 1 pound. Obviously the attraction wasn't the stuffed monkey. Later they came back down the isle and I got to see the thing. Holy crappers! Very cute! He was about the size of my computer mouse and was all nestled in and sleeping on the fake mama monkey. Get this, he was wearing a tiny blue tshirt and a diaper! I didn't touch him, because it just didn't seem right. What if I broke the little monkey?
So, that's about it. Now I'm back and I really need to get my job talk done. Only about 2 weeks away! It is now about as warm as it was in Tampon the first day I was there, which is awesome. I have all the windows of my house open, good tunes, and I just cleaned up the floors and litter so I'm totally relaxed and happy. Aaahhhhh.