NB для сябе:

Dec 15, 2010 20:21

  1. David Bakhurst. Consciousness and revolution in Soviet philosophy: from the Bolsheviks to Evald Ilyenkov. CambridgeUniversity Press, 1991 - 292 p.
  2. Evert van der Zweerde. Soviet historiography of philosophy: istoriko-filosofskaja nauka. Springer, 1997 - 291 p.
  3. J. E. Blakeley. Soviet Theory of Knowledge. Springer, 1964 - 216 p.
  4. Thomas J. Blakeley. Soviet philosophy: a general introduction to contemporary Soviet thought. D. Reidel, 1964 - 82 p.
  5. Joseph M. Bocheński. Soviet Russian dialectical materialism (Diamat). D. Reidel Pub. Co., 1963 - 185 p.
  6. Ervin Laszlo. Philosophy in the Soviet Union: A survey of the mid-sixties. D. Reidel, 1967 - 208 p
  7. Studies in Soviet thought

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