What I'm up to

Mar 01, 2013 14:56

I'm sorry for disappearing for a while. I've been really absorbed in some things, inner work. I've been painting a series of chakra paintings in watercolor which also involve looking at the step-by-step personal creativity. Above is the fifth watercolor I've done, waterlilies. It represents the fifth chakra, or voice and expression chakra. I always thought this was an easy one given what I do, but there was a lot I'd been unaware of. I knew some things made me less happy in the process of publishing a book, but I hadn't examined clearly why. So this has been a revealing time for me. It helps to have clarity because you can go 'oh, yeah, I get it. And it's okay now.'

I'm also currently weaving a shawl on my home loom. I did the scarf at weaving class and was less than thrilled with it, but it was a learning experience. I may chop it up and weave it into an Easter basket since it looks like the colors of spring. The shawl is as wide as my loom and meant for my table as a runner. I don't know if this one will work out better than the first. The major problem is I have to full the piece, which is a prelude to felting. I had some superwash yarn in the scarf and it just didn't stick very well. I don't know if this will be easier or not. I may take it to the sewing studio and stabilize it if need be. It is lovely on the loom. I'll try to share a photo in future.
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