Jan 25, 2006 23:09
Okay, so quick update.
I'm back in Maryland. I told everyone last weekend that I would be in Maryland for a week, but sometime during the drive up here I started to realize more and more that it might be like permament, not just for a week.
So here I am! :)
We got here Monday night after a 10 hours drive from Atlanta.
Tuesday I spent all day waiting for the lock people and the cable people (and the furniture people that dropped by unexpectedly- surprise!)
Tuesday night my stepdad goes "I have a surprise for you!" Guess what it is? A job. Starting Wednesday morning. XD
So I'm working for his company answering phones and doing administrative desk stuff. 9-6, every weekday.
And I totally messed up so many times today- there's this program where you have to enter in the apartment of the person filing a maintenance ticket, so you have to put something like 98676DT23 which is the building number, the initals of the street and the apartment number. So the stupid computer program is tricky- I'm pretty good with computer programs but this one stinks. You have to like- okay whatever. It keeps not working or losing information. Or the people give you the wrong address so you can't file a thing for them to begin with and me, being new, didn't quite get any other information so it just gets lost. (Ops?) Big ops.
Being new is icky.
Saturday I am going to a party at my little cousins' - a Nepolian Dynamite Party. O.o Yeah okay. I can't even spell that, but I got to go to bed now and not waste time looking that up in the Dictionary.
Good night!
And yeah, this measn I won't be online as much. Don't break anything!