The Life of An Unnecessary Company Expense

Jun 03, 2008 00:42

A few people have been asking me how's life lately. Well, life has been alright except for work. I'm beginning to question why I put myself through all the effort every single weekday for nothing. It's literally, nothing.

Here's what I've been doing for the past week at work ever since I got back from my New Zealand trip:

  1. Get into office promptly by half-past eight
  2. Switch on my PC, which I suspect was built in the Dark Ages
  3. Fiddle around, digging into my bag for my things in a bid to keep me occupied.
  4. Stare at the computer monitor.
  5. Consider logging into my email account, taking into account how slow and painful the entire process is.
  6. Talk to my colleague seated in the cubicle next to mine, which coincidentally used to be MINE. 
  7. Think about what to have for lunch.
  8. Probably get started on doing some data entry and matching of documents and find out some slightly juicy information (if any, on both counts).
  9. Head out to the IT department to bug my other colleagues there.
  10. Get a drink from the vending machine outside.
  11. Help my colleague punch holes for the payment vouchers. (if any)
  12. Grin and bear with the inherently slow internet connection and surreptitiously alternate between shopping online and checking out the latest sports news and scores of my favourite teams, read random stuff on wikipedia,  and wonder when the hell the work day will ever end.
  13. Repeat steps 3 through 12 in the same order.
  14. When 5:30 strikes, prays for my mobile phone to beep, informing me of an incoming text message from my dad informing me that he's either on his way to pick me up or already waiting for me outside. Oh the outpouring of joy at the end of a wasted day.

Story of my life.

Everyone will tell me to just be glad that I am being paid to do nothing for 8.5 hours. But has everyone actually tried doing nothing for 8.5 hours straight and tried to look busy at the same time? It's inherently stupid, redundant and makes me feel worthless and a hindrance. I can actually spend my time at home sleeping, watching DVDs or catching up on the ever-growing pile of books I've been meaning to read and maybe even work out.

So, this is where all you nice, helpful people come in. Please offer suggestions on how I can actually spend my day at work fruitfully. That means no suggestions of playing pranks on colleagues by putting their calculators and/or staplers into jello. It's a waste of jello and my colleagues are really nice people who do not deserve such treatment due to my deathly boredom.

Except maybe for my manager. Some of you may already know the story. She makes me do the lamest stuff.

P.S. Don't suggest listening to my iPod nor read a book. The former has a no-go zone in my office while the latter has been tried and tested today. It's too hard and too noisy and I also feel bad for sitting there reading a novel while everyone else is tearing their hair out trying to finish their work.

P.P.S Chatting on the phone is out of the question too. I have no phone line on my desk, no stationery (I have to nick it from the cubicle next to mine) and everyone else is probably at their own workplace working their butt off as well.  
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