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Aug 05, 2007 18:59

So the countdown begins. I've 4 more weeks starting tomorrow to the prelims and about 2 months plus towards the big As. Scared is hardly the word to describe it. The biggest grouse is the stupid 12-day gap between the second last paper and my last paper. So I guess it's probably going to be 6 days of wild parties and then mugging like crazy again for the remaining 6 days for the last paper. In case anyone is curious, the last paper is Literature Paper 4: Imagining Other Worlds. The section I hate with all my heart.

Anyway, The weekend was great. Sushi Buffet lunch with Sam at Citylink. It's been a long while since I last saw you Sam Sam. Probably since the June hols. Oh well, you lucky poly asses, having your 2 month BREAK AGAIN in about 2 weeks' time. Oh well, have fun during the break. I'll look forward to my 8-9 months of pure freedom once the dreaded As are over. Anyway, Sam and I walked from Citylink to Peninsula Plaza to Funan in search of random things. I wanted to look for skinny jeans (which were quite ugly in the end and I've made my mind up to get it from Mango/Topshop), iPod Travel Charger (which I still am unable to find) and my Norton Internet Security software (which I found but cannot decide which one is better and more suitable to my needs.) We ended up at Central at Clark Quay. The stupid bus ride home was long and very crowded.

Friday was also suppose to be the school's E-learning day. Whatever. It's just an excuse for the school to give us work while the entire staff goes off on some motivational workshop. I think they probably feel that it's unfair that we get a day off doing nothing while they get stuck in some boring old talk so they decided to leverage on the recently-launched school portal. Gees. The assignments are insane. I had to do 2 quizzes but they were quite alright. They tried to disable the right-click function to prevent us from using the copy and paste command so we can't google the answers. Erm, NewsFlash. There are other ways to copy and paste the questions into google.

I spent yesterday afternoon out with Jeanette, whom I've not seen for 34534633 years. Basically, I haven't seen her at all this year until yesterday. We hung out at the Coffee Bean at Raffles Hospital. It's quite a good place to study until random people decide to pop in and laugh really obscenely. Gees. Instead of us really doing work though, we ended up catching up about loads of stuff. It's not a wasted trip though considering how much we had to talk about. Send me the pics soon! By the way, word of advice. Never order a large cup of Begian Chocolate Ice-blended coffee and attempt to finish it in one sitting. The effect it has on your throat, is phenomenonal. I'm paying for it now by having a sore throat.

I'm also officially sick. I'm suffering from mentioned sore throat, as well as fever, cold and cough. Whoopee. It must be the late nights and long school days. The school thinks they're absolute geniuses by "collapsing" our timetables and conning us into thinking we have uber short days whereby lessons end at 11:50 or 12:30. Then, they drop the bomb. We have block lectures every effing day except Wednesdays and Fridays. So basically, days now end at 4:30 earliest. Provided I do not decide to stay in school and study. Also, I have loads of make up lessons and extra lessons which either extends my days or remove my supposed free time, ie. Wednesdays.

And it gets better. While it looks like I have Friday free and early, the plot thickens. Now, I have to re-work my tuition schedule and fix it back on Fridays. And I thought the Friday rush backs from school was so last term. It was actually switched to Wednesday evenings until this stupid new timetable threw a spanner in the works. Asshats.

Yea, life's swell. Don't worry people! I'm a fighter. I'll try my bestest and I'll survive. Anyway, there's always something to look forward to every week. Like this upcoming week, it's National Day. Which means no school on Wednesday (if I decide to ditch that stupid 2 periods of math tutorials. Did I mention how idiotic my school is? Well, there's your evidence) and Thursday. It could get even better if I decide to skip school on Friday. Oh! And my dvds are on its way here. Can't wait. I hope the shipment from UO has been shipped too and then there will be even more stuff to look forward to. New clothes! Awesome.

See, I told you I'll survive. ;)
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