Done nine things!
I have 5 replacement items to 'design.
1) Go wild water rafting/canoeing
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA
5) TBA
-open all mail within 24 hours of receipt - well established
-do admin at least once a month - done as it happens
-get data off my old hd - great idea but hdd is fried
- order off ebay/amazon 2 x and spent too much!
- start softly scented CA
- change website to canada (but needs continual updating)
- change labelling CA
- source packaging CA
- find cosmetics regs CA
reach weight goal 2 - 90 kg
sort out snake transport to canada
sort out my goods to canada
get new prescription/specs (0/1)- saving up for laser eye surgery
get another tattoo - currently being worked on..the design at least
make will
make a living will
get flyer sorted for softly scented.
49 to go...i think I won't make it.
keep track of doing daily: study, flylady, gym, writing, vits, meds
make the bed every day for three months (0/93)
learn how to read music for both ocarina's
1 evening a month pampering myself
reach weight goal 3 - 80 kg
reach weight goal 4 - 70 kg
reach weight goal 5 - 62 kg
maintain target weight (+/- 5 pound) for 6 months
Try one new recipe a month
Clean 30 mins 3x a week
Read 3 pagan books
get a professional massage 3x
daily reiki treatment for 60 days (0/60)
go to bed before midnight for a month straight (0/31)
update my filofax with addresses of everyone
henna my hair
write hawks and doves
write hissling tales
go walk on a beach (3/5)- Galway beach, wainuiomata X2
get all my photo's into albums
lay out clothes every day (0/93)
learn contact juggling
see We Will Rock You again
make myself a corset
crochet mittens
make a batwing handbag
read a book on diy
see a meteor
see aurora borealis
learn to sing
pay something forward for someone
send someone an anony gift
volunteer with st john ambulance/first aid for six months (0/26)
phone/skype mum on her birthday 2/3
phone/skype dad on his birthday 2/3
phone/skype steven on his birthday (2/3
phone grandma on her birthday - 16 oct (1/2)
Get/grow a soapberry plant
get a proper digital camera
private goal
private goal 1x a month (2/24)
Make new 101 list.
pass mcse module 1
pass mcse module 2
pass mcse module 3
pass mcse module 4
pass mcse module 5
pass mcse module 6
pass mcse module 7