Pope Eggs Benedict looks like a plucked chicken. I wonder if he'd taste as bad as IHOP's steak benedict (which I had, first person at the local one to try it. It was horrible and when I told the waitress so they thanked me for testing it and gave me regular eggs benedict for free, whee).
Now the Vatican can go back to being irrelevant again.
Blood and Bones was really brutal but I was drawn into it last night and could not stop watching. Beat Takeshi does a fine job playing Jyombion Kim, the violent and hate filled central character in this movie. I wasn't expecting a character study/period drama but that's what I get for just downloading because it had Takeshi in it.
Other than working and watching lots of movies life stands still most days. The old man has the first stages of emphysema and just had surgery to correct his severe acid reflux but he's doing ok now except he seems completely unable to quit smoking and may actually have stopped giving a rat's ass about it anyway. Mom is retiring in about 5 months and I've almost got her talked into spending all her money and leaving none for me because I don't really want it (sell the house too, please). I'm training a new person at work and he's the biggest nerd ever (40 plus year old PC gamer). I think I covered about the last 5-6 months with that. Nothing to see here, move along.