this journal is mostly random and fandom.
i would appreciate it if you check my profile before adding me. thankyouverymuch.X3
If I know you in real life, you need not read the remaining text in this post. Just comment with your name (and if your name is common, how i knew you/where we met) and I'll definitely add you back. (This is to ensure that I add you back. I rarely read my profile so I don't know who adds me and stuff.)
Now if I don't know you...
Hi, I'm bex. If you don't want to remember that name, then just call me by my username. I'm a fan of JRock and JDramas. I post about these fandoms, yes, but not as often as I post about what happens in my life. I like fangirly entries about my favorite JRockers, and I usually comment on those type of entries. Common fandom is nice, but is not necessary. I add just about anyone, as long as they seem fun and nice and respectful.
Hmmm... what else...? I guess that's basically it. So if you still want to be my friend, comment with your answers to the following questions:
✩ What's your name?
✩ How did you stumble upon my journal?
✩ Do we have any common fandom? (my not-so-updated fandom list can be found on my profile.)
then click
this when I add you back. :3