Dec 13, 2006 14:11
I guess me writiing just isn't going to happen, at least for a while now. Maybe it's best that I stop completely, as so that to not tie myself down to obligation like that. I can't say that LJ didn't serve me well; this journal was great therapy for me to work through the past 2 1/2 years. I know it focused very much on negative feelings, my self pity and how I;m always alwasy right. I know it focused on wanting to be optimistic and perfect butnever making a huge effort to get there. I know this focused on Jessica. But I understand now that I don't have to write things down to keep track of myself. I dont' have tow rite to discover the depth of what it is I"m feeling. I don't ahve to write to blow myself up or shoot myself down. I don't have tow rite, either, for attention from Jessica, nor anyone else. People who want to know how I'm doing ask me; they don't read up on it to stay informed. People who know how I want to feel are there when I'm feeling it, feeling it right along with me. This journal is dead and has helped me, at least, to progress a step further. To understand that I myself, in my head, can do exactly what I do on here- discover. Farewell, my lovely journal. Farewell.
R.I.P. jamtb422's journal June 11th, 2004 - December 13th, 2006.