I'm pretty @#%*&#% right now.

Jul 26, 2006 21:59

Is there a way to relax at this point? Tell me what's good about this moment:

I'm sunburnt. really bad. It pretty much hurts to high hell. high, high hell.
All of our fish are dying.
The goddamn fsh get more attention than me and the dog combined. I'm just glad their friggen pH is balanced but I didn't get my sunburn soother from the door.
Ouch, yea, still hurts like a bitch.
MIchelle and my mom hang out all fo the time now and I don't even get invited along. Tot eh store, to get fish (agin and again and...), to take the dog for a walk, etc etc ETC. It obviously wont be a hgue adjustment for when I move out. Which at this moment, I'm pretty much looking forward to.
Ants ants ants AGAIN and i"m so sick of them!!!
I'm super tired and even if I fall asleep at this moment it'll barely cover 7 1/2 hours of sleeping time.
When I do get to sleep (which wont be enjoyable tot ry witht eh sunbrun all over), It'll be short, abrupt, and the entry point to tomorrow, in which I work 14 hours all fucking day, and I"m not looking forward to joanns or camp. that's pretty much horrible when you kow your whole next day is deticated to something you hate.
I get no breakf ormt his on sunday liek I didn't the past two weeks. My only day off. As of now, without the new joanns schedule, I have another week until I get a day off.
SHIT I just remember I have to think of a camp carnival game by tomorrow morning. fuck. I better get going. Another reasonw ny this moment is so great, eh?
Jessica couldn't hang out today and I'm thinking she didn't really wsan to anyway, as if she did she woudl have contacted me int he past MONTH.
Next week is my week at camp which is... bad. I'm nervous and my week is dumb. DUMB even after all the ahrd work to create it.
Donnell was a tota asshole on the phone the other night. courtney put him on speaker phone and we were BOTH making fun of his 9 hour work weeks, just kidding, and he gets pised off at me, demeands to get off speakerphone,a nd talks to just courntey for the next 5 min. Asshole. After all of the rides and food I buy him, take the friggen metro if you're going to shaft me.

I'm so tired and mad and sad. rawr. a mess. a mess. I hope these wonderful...7 hours.. of sleep will do a ittle somethign to rejuvinate me so I can do the whoel speal tomorrow, too.
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