A Second Chance Part 12

May 31, 2013 15:38

Thanks to my Beta.

Emma walked back to the bank with fast steps, eager to get as far away from Jenny as possible. Hot angry tears welled up in her eyes. Jenny’s words replayed over and over in her mind. Who does she think she is? What makes her think she can say those things to me?! Emma thought defiantly. How could she freak out over a simple word? She didn’t even give me a chance to explain! Emma wiped away a stray tear that began to roll down her cheek. She refused to cry because of Jenny. She didn’t want Jenny to see she had affected her so much with her words. She didn’t want to give Jenny that satisfaction.

I thought Jenny would be different. I thought she would be nicer. Emma took a deep breath and hastily maneuvered herself around a pedestrian standing on the street. Emma thought her and Jenny were having a nice time together. She was actually enjoying the lunch. Why did things go so wrong?

Emma replayed the memory of Jenny’s face hardening when she thought Emma had said something homophobic. Her eyes had burned with a fire Emma had never seen before. She hadn’t even given Emma a chance to explain what she meant by the words. She had immediately just jumped to a conclusion. If she would have just let me explain I would have told her I have no problem with homosexuality. Emma had always prided herself in being tolerant and that included gay people. Why would I have a problem with that? It isn’t my business who people love.

Emma continued to rack her brains for a possible reason that would explain Jenny’s extreme outburst. Emma thought that maybe someone in Jenny’s family or close to Jenny was gay and that is why she was so defensive. But would that really be a reason for Jenny to react the way she did? Just because she has someone she knows that is gay? Emma shook her head. She highly doubted that would be justification for why she would act so cruelly to Emma. Jenny barely knew Emma yet she had the audacity to insult her with the kind of malice she had. It shocked Emma. There must be a bigger reason for Jenny to react like that other than just knowing someone who is gay. That wouldn’t be enough for her behavior.

Suddenly an idea popped into Emma’s head that had her holding her breath momentarily. What if Jenny was gay? Emma paused at the crosswalk a block away from the bank. Could that be a possibility? Could Jenny really be gay? Emma racked her brain for any signs or indications that would support her idea. But the only thing she could think of was how desperate Jenny was to get out of going to lunch with Ben, her boyfriend. But that didn’t necessarily mean she was gay. There could be a hundred reasons why she didn’t want to go out to lunch with him. It would be too far of a stretch for Emma to use that as evidence to prove her theory.

Emma walked up to the front doors of the bank and opened them, still completely lost in her own thoughts. She was so absorbed in her thoughts that she wasn’t paying attention to where she was going. She only made it a few feet into the bank before she collided into someone.

“I’m sorry” Emma said immediately. She looked up to see Jasmin smiling at her.

“I’m sorry too. I should have been watching where I was going”.

“Are you okay? I didn’t hurt you did I?”

“I am fine Emma. No need to worry” Jasmin assured her.

Emma smiled sheepishly at Jasmin, not knowing how to reply.

“Hey where is Jenny? Didn’t you two go to lunch together?” Jasmin asked.

Emma’s face instantly darkened at the mention of Jenny’s name. She was still furious at Jenny for what she said to her. It was completely out of line and Emma was in no mood to forgive her anytime soon. “She is still in the park” Emma replied coldly.

Jasmin’s eyes flashed with worry. “Why is she still at the park? Did something happen to her?” Jasmin questioned, her voice laced with concern.

Why is Jasmin so concerned? I’ve never seen her act this way before. As soon as Emma had mentioned Jenny was in the park Jasmin’s whole demeanor had changed. That’s odd Emma thought.

“I’m sure Jenny is more than fine” Emma gave harshly.

Jasmin’s eyebrow rose questioningly but her eyes were filled with panic and apprehension. Jasmin opened her mouth to say something but she quickly closed it again.

“I’m going to look for her” Jasmin finally said. “If anyone asks where I am tell them I had a business run to make”. Without waiting for a response from Emma, Jasmin quickly turned on her heels and exited the bank.

Emma watched Jasmin disappear in puzzlement. Why was she acting so weird? Why did she freak out when I told her Jenny was in the park? Emma thought Jasmin’s concern was a bit excessive for a friend. Jenny is a grown woman she can take care of herself. A thought popped into Emma’s head again, this time stopping her in her tracks. Jasmin’s reaction was excessive for a friend. But what if Jasmin was Jenny’s girlfriend? What if they were secretly seeing each other?

“Impossible” Emma muttered to herself. Jenny was dating Ben, not Jasmin. Or was she? Emma wondered. Was it possible that Jenny and Jasmin were secretly seeing each other? That maybe Ben was just an act? Emma had noticed that the two girls were especially close. But she had just thought they were best friends and nothing more. But was it possible there was more?

Emma’s stomach twisted painfully, causing an uncomfortable feeling to lodge itself inside her. What was that? Emma wondered. I can’t possibly be jealous. Why should Emma care if Jenny and Jasmin were dating each other? It wasn’t her business one way or the other. Besides, Emma thought, I’m not gay. I could care less who Jenny dates.

Emma just shook her head to rid herself of these confusing thoughts. Jenny isn’t gay she told herself. She was just being silly. Jenny was dating Ben and there was no evidence to contradict this. Jasmin was just being a concerned friend and nothing more. Besides, it was totally possible that Jenny needed to be in a meeting soon and Jasmin was upset that she wasn’t back yet. Yes, that must be it. Emma just smiled to herself. She really had a problem with jumping to conclusions too quickly. Why do I even care who Jenny dates? After what she said to me I should be furious at her! I shouldn’t care what she does with her life!

Emma shook her head again. All these thoughts were beginning to make her head hurt. She needed to push them to the back of her mind and try to focus on her work. She didn’t have time to worry about these things. She was here to work not snoop around in her boss’ personal life. Emma turned around and headed for the elevators. She needed to get back to work so she could forget all about the horrible lunch she had. She just hoped the afternoon would be a lot less dramatic than lunch.


“What should I do Jasmin?” Jenny asked desperately as she buried her face in her hands. She felt Jasmin’s hand rest comfortingly on her arm. The two of them were leaning against the side of a building a few blocks away from the bank. Jasmin had found Jenny slowly wandering back to the bank and had stopped her. Jenny immediately told Jasmin about the lunch and how stupid she had been.

“Why did you say that to Emma? What were you thinking?” Jasmin asked exasperatingly.

“I don’t know Jasmin! As soon as I heard her say that it wouldn’t be good I flipped! The words reminded me so much of my father that I couldn’t help it. After Emma said that I refused to listen to her. I just saw my father sitting in front of me, not Emma. It was like I was finally standing up to my father” Jenny explained. She took a deep breath and looked into Jasmin’s eyes. “I’m such an idiot”.

“Yes you are” Jasmin replied.

“Jasmin, that isn’t helping” Jenny gave sadly.

Jasmin sighed. “I know it’s not. But, Jenny, you have got to stop acting this way to Emma. She has done nothing wrong and doesn’t deserve to be treated the way you’re treating her”.

“I know she doesn’t. I don’t know what it is about Emma. She just makes me say stupid things!”

Jasmin smiled knowingly at Jenny, but decided to keep her mouth shut. She had a pretty good idea why Jenny kept acting this way in front of Emma. But knew now was not the time to mention that she thought Jenny might have a slight crush on Emma. Instead, she pulled Jenny close and hugged her tightly.

“What do I do Jasmin?” Jenny repeated as she wrapped her arms around Jasmin.

“Well, if I were you I would try to apologize to her. Although, when I met her in the lobby she seemed pretty angry at you. So I am going to assume that she won’t be accepting your apology anytime soon”.


“Hold on” Jasmin said as she pulled back from the embrace to look Jenny in the eyes. “That doesn’t mean that you don’t still try. Keep trying until she accepts it. If I were you, I would do more than just say sorry. Maybe take her out to eat at a nice lunch or give her a gift card somewhere”.

For the first time since lunch Jenny smiled genuinely at Jasmin. “So you want me to bribe her into accepting my apology?”

“Pretty much yes” Jasmin answered.

Jenny laughed. “I’m not sure that will work”.

“Oh it will. Women love presents and I am sure Emma is no exception. Just try it. I am sure it will work. If not, well, I know you will know what to do. Just do what feels right to you” Jasmin said softly.

“Okay, thanks Jasmin” Jenny replied as she took a step out of their embrace and wiped away a tear that had fallen from her eyes earlier. “You’re a great friend”.

“I know I am” Jasmin gave cheekily.

Jenny just rolled her eyes and lifted her cooler from the ground. “Come on. We need to head back to the bank before my father sends out a search party for me”.

“That might be kind of fun to watch actually” Jasmin stated.

“Uh huh” Jenny said with a warm smile. Jenny began walking back to the bank with Jasmin. She had a newfound purpose. She was going to do whatever it took to get Emma to apologize to her. For some reason, Jenny just couldn’t let Emma go. There was something about the blonde that continually pulled Jenny to her. Jenny didn’t want to let a possible friendship with Emma go just because of her own stupidity. She wanted nothing more than to be friends with Emma. So she was going to do whatever it took to get Emma to give her a second chance.



“Do you think Emma likes Italian?”

Jasmin didn’t reply. Instead a large knowing smile passed her lips.


jemma, hahe, jenny and emma

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