yet another long day..

Jul 08, 2004 17:54

well today was a long day.  i hardly did anything but it was just long.  i think i guarded for about..ehh.. an hour?  maybe 2.  im not sure.  it felt like forever though.  most of the time i played volleyball and nukem.  that was fun.  we had a bunch of ppl doin that. and it was good too cuz it kept them away from the water.  so hardly an duty for me.  they picked up our time sheets today from work. i have 50 hours on mine. i think more than anyone else so my pay check is gonna be big.  about 350 bucks.. but if they take out stupid taxes then i dont know what it'll be.  but still.  it'll be in the 300s! sweeeet!  anyway, last nite was a fun nite.  i went to the areos game with my friends mandy, erika, kristen and mandy's friend halley, and lauren.  it was fun. they played the reading phillies.. but i think thats all they play. ha. anyway, i was sittin there and i hear lauren and erika off to my right talking about all the hot guys they see.  it pissed me off bad.  i got major jealous and i usually dont get mad.  but they talked about it for 10 mins straight and it made me sooo jealous. im not gonna deny that i wasnt upset about it.  it made me in a bad mood kinda off and on all nite.  the thing is. im just so insecure about myself that it bugs me to hear lauren talk about all the hot guys she sees and what not.  but theres nothing i can do to stop her from feeling that way.  i just gotta get over it.  i am pretty much over it now. but still... it hurt.  i didnt wanna hear it.  i miss hangin out with her though.  its been for ever since we've actually been alone together and hung out with out anyone else around to bother us.  but thats life.  easy come easy go right? right.. i think we are hangin out tonite, i hope we do.  but who knows.  wont be til later on around 8.  which is fine. i can get some nap time in since i dont feel good.  anyway im at my gmas right now and im headed back to my house.. fun fun.  later
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