Apr 04, 2006 20:42
I'm sick and pissed off, so I'm going to do this quiz and you will like it. K, bye.
Type your cut contents here.
Chapter 1--Basics
Initials: JRS
Birthday: Jan. 17, 1987
Current location: Allendale
Height: 5'6'
Hair length: Really short for me.
Eye color: Blue
Piercings: Ears and belly button.
Chapter 2--Family
Do you live with your parents?: When I'm not at school.
Do you get along with your parents?: Somewhat, they like me way more than I like them.
Are your parents married/separated/divorced?: Unhappily married.
Do you have any siblings?: 3 sisters & 1 bro.
What pets do you have?: My puppy Chloe! :-)
Chapter 3--Favorites
City: Boston!
Ice cream flavor: Half Baked.
Season: Winter.
Clothing brand: Aeropastle or American Eagle.
Color: orange.
Number: 3
Shape: Triangle.
Girl's Name: McKenna or Isabel.
Boy's Name: Jacob or Riley.
Place to vacation: Just out by the water somewhere.
Foods: Lasagna.
Candy: Sour Patch Kids.
Chapter 4--Do You ...
Sing in the shower?: Not usually.
Write memos on your hand?: No, on my sticky pads.
Sleep on a certain side of the bed?: Umm, no.
Wear glasses or contacts?: No sir.
Have any weird habits?: Omg, totally. I think it's b/c I have OCD tho.
Dislike something about yourself?: Heck yes!
Chapter 5--Have You Ever...
Worn braces?: Unfortunately no.
Broken a bone?: Nope.
Had stitches?: YES! In my freaking head.
Shoplifted? No.
Punched someone in the face?: Mhmm.
Skipped school?: Only a couple times.
Taken painkillers?: Ohh yeah.
Gone scuba diving?: No, but that sounds fun.
Been stung by a bee?: NO!
Thrown up in a restaurant?: No, pooped tho.
Been to overnight camp?: I read that as overweight..but yes I've been to camp b4.
Been sent to the principals office?: Well actually the auditorium b/c my shirt was too short. Bitches.
Been called a bitch? Many times.
Chaper 6--Who/What was the last..
Person to IM you?: McBain
Person to call you? Timmy
Person you hugged?: I dunno.
Person to Message you on Myspace?: Mindy
Person you tackled?: Probably Kaela
Thing you touched?: Myself..jk. Perv.
Thing you ate?: Nacho Combos.
Drank?: Wild Cherry Pepsi.
I have really bad cramps. :-(