TARDIS, Planting Seeds

Mar 11, 2015 18:39

So here is the picture of the cake:

What do you think? It looks like gears to me. I appreciate your help.

Today I couldn't stand it anymore! I had to plant some seeds! I found a cute planter box that a friend made for us. I bought four one-gallon black plastic planter bags, put ceramic shards on the bottom of the planter box for drainage.  In each bag I put a few styrofoam peanuts, a layer of Miracle Gro Garden Soil, a layer of Miracle Gro Potting Soil, and a layer of Germination Mix. Here's a picture:
The planter box is now on the front porch. I'm crossing fingers that the squirrels or crows won't dig in it. Probably have to put plastic over it. Since the moon is in Scorpio in the third quarter, I planted root seeds, except for peas (I couldn't help myself). Back row left are "Alaska" peas; back row right are Purple Top/White Globe turnips; front row left are Red Cored Chantenay carrots; front row right are radishes French Breakfast on the left of the popsicle stick and Early Scarlet Globe on the right. This is the first time I've used the black garden bags. I've heard good things about them.

In April each year the Northwest Treasure Hunters (Harry's a member) have a cookie sale at several rest stops west of town. I've made cookies for this event for a couple of years. Last year 132 cookies went out the door for the sale. Each cookie is wrapped in plastic wrap with several happy stickers on it. Think I'll get some "Frozen" stickers for this year, in addition to cars and other boy-oriented stickers, happy faces & whatever else looks cute. I label each tray of cookies as to whether they have nuts or not, and if there are ingredients in them that you can't see, like York mints in brownies. Chocolate is the main ingredient for most of the recipes, but I also include cookies with no chocolate and/or no nuts and the majority are bar cookies. I don't do cookies that are sticky, or crumbly. Everyone at the NWTH meeting was happy when Harry volunteered for his usual 6AM to noon shift. They told him they are looking forward to "those delicious cookies you brought last year". Ummm..... I made 5 or 6 different kinds of cookies, and **shakes head** didn't write down which ones I made. I put tags on some of the recipes I made, but also tagged some recipes that I was going to make but didn't for one reason or another. I remember the cookies I made that were complete flops, (they tasted great, and went to the sale but looked terrible IMHO) and I won't be making those again. Harry assures me that whatever kinds I make will be bought up right away, and be delicious! He is so sweet! This year I will definitely write down which recipes I use and which recipes were not so successful but tasted great & went to the sale. Another "Ah! Retirement!" moment. I have plenty of time this year to make cookies!

I'm very grateful today:
For LJ friends who share their knowledge with me
For the brief showers we got today
For Harry & My Amazing Wonderful children
For God's Grace in giving me continued good health and energy to do all this stuff

God Bless

seeds, tardis, cookies

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