Feb 15, 2015 21:20
The side yard on the east side of the house finally got some cleaning. The bulbs are coming up nicely: tulip, daffodil, hyacinth. The mints are indestructible, of course. As I pulled up a long section of Pineapple Mint root, a tulip bulb came up with it because the mint root had grown through the bulb. I cut each end of the long root off, then pulled it out of the bulb and planted the bulb back in the ground. Luneria has re-seeded itself very nicely, but not where I want it, so I pulled all the tiny shoots out that I could see. There'll be more...also where I don't want them, but they're gone for now. The poppies are up with leaves about six inches long. After I cut off the dead mum branches, I could see they are starting to come up also. I got about half the dead day lily leaves pulled away from the new shoots. At the south end of that bed, I found three clumps of lots of bright green grass-like leaves. I'll have to wait and see what they are......garlic? some kind of bulbs I planted long ago? The high mallow still looks like dead soil, but I know it's still there. The lilac bushes took a beating the last couple of years because Bear dug several of his "nests" near those roots. Hope they'll be OK after Harry fills in the "nests" with good garden soil. Of course the dandelions are alive and well, but I ignored them today. I worked about two hours outside without any ill effects. Took Aleve when I came in, and will see what happens tomorrow morning. Sometimes I'm sore in the backs of my legs the next day or the day after, and sometimes not. It's not serious pain either way. It was nice and quiet outside and about 45 degrees in the shade where I was working. When my feet got cold, I decided to call it quits.
I'm grateful for my good health
I'm grateful for my yard & garden & all my plants, inside & out
I'm grateful for God's Blessings
Sleep well, my dear LJ friends!