(no subject)

Dec 21, 2005 10:56

So I haven't updated this thing in a really long time, huh? Well, since then, I have finished up the semester. We'll see how I did. Grades come out tommorow or Friday I think. I know for sure I got As in three of my classes, but my PR Case Studies class, I have no idea how I did. We also had a party at the apartment. It was pretty sweet, except for the end. It was a dress up party and everyone looked really nice and it was a good time. Me and KP even made hors d'ouvres (I really have no idea how to spell that!). There was a great turnout, but the place was TRASHED the next morning, and I was really amazingly hung over. But it was a nice end to the semester. As for now, I am just chillin in Mt. P till Friday because I have to work all week, which sucks, because there is almost no one at my whole apartment complex, and I am pretty lonely. But I am getting lots of stuff done, like working out every day and making my mom's Christmas present and cleaning my room and shit. I think tonight I am going to make a list of companies to send my resume to for summer internships and maybe start writing cover letters. That will be fun. This break is going to be all about getting shit accomplished. I won't be at home for too long, because I really need to get a lot of stuff done. I want to organize the closet in my room, my stuff in the spare room, my cabinet in the kitchen, and my shelves in the panty, fridge, and bathroom. I also want to clean out the shit from under my bed, clean out the crates in my room, dust and vacuum my room, and just get a little organized for the upcoming semester. I am also planning to read at LEAST 2 books. I am already started on one, which I will probably work on tonight. Finally, I want to finish my t-shirt quilt, and fix some articles of clothing that I have been putting off for way too long. I don't have work next week, and I think I am going to come back on Wednesday, so that will give me a few days before hopefully a fun New Year's Eve to get some of that shit done. I guess we'll see! Well, this kid is out. Gotta get to work. This week, me and Raeleen have to label 12,000 envelopes, which should be the suckiest thing I have done in a while.
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