my dorkiness is flaring up because i forgot to use the cream

Apr 16, 2006 01:45

I cant sleep, so i figured I would post one of my strange rambles again...

Ever wonder why we meet the people we meet? I seem to run into some of the most delightfuly interesting odd balls all the time. they tend to make life a little more fun, in that they give life a little more adventure. I'm getting to that point where sometimes I just want to grab these people and buy them dinner just so I can hear a story or two, find out what makes them tick. i tend to find strangers fasinating. I'm not sure why but it seems like the people I know least I'm most excited about. is that weird?

its about 2 am now. im fucking tired, man. haha. but im not quite done here.

Ive been thinking a lot about these trips im going on. I'm a little nervous. Egypt is going to be amazing. its been the place that has captured my fasination since I was about 6 and saw Indiana Jones (im still in love with him). not that the trilogy necessarily had anythingto do with ancient egypt but that it made me want those kinds of adventures. I want to find things no one else could, i want my students to love me, and I want to do it all with a big freggin whip in tow. ya know what i mean? I think the future is set: its all just a bunch of gadgets that are supposed to make life easier, but just end up costing a small fortune and causing headaches when they dont work at all. The thing about the past is that there's so much of it that hasn't yet been discovered, and the more we find, the more we can understand how modern society developed into what it is. its strange how we are all racing towards the future when we have no idea where we really came from. everyone is so progressive and forward thinking that they dont stop to glance behind them and see their tracks in the sand. my wildest dreams (other than my jazz-singer fantasy) revolve around putting together more and more of the pieces to get a better sense of this past which we really dont know much about. Finding new objects, texts, documents, art, which can give me a sense of where these people were coming from, how they lived, and how they ultimately changed.

I came up with my first idea for a class I want to teach when I am a college professor: Legends and Lost Civilizations! hit the big legends such as vampire and witch folklore and how the legends began and propogated, etc, talk about Atlantis lore--- how fucking awesome would that be, you'd all be in my class. haha doubt it, but, im excited. im really excited about teaching because I plan on teaching on study abroad trips- that way i can travel and get paid for it!

my dog has mad gas

dinner, anyone? i want to go out this week hit me up.
thats it for now
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