Two years with Peter

May 28, 2007 12:28

the first day we met and Fr Paul had ordered pizza and you kept asking me to go back over for more with you so you didnt look like the only fat one

tearing up my math notes from the 2004-2005 school year

Linda's first vocation talk with us

singing the Miracles song from Prince of Egypt

pudding and creamers

the game of life

being wicked hungry and you saying we could call your parents for food money at 2am

choir robes on the church steps at 4am


falling asleep on our chair fort and me trying to steal your pillow to no avail

letters about birth control glasses

eating 7 hoodsie cup ice cream things in Heathers offices after Claire Hardiamn's funeral

having an asthma attack on te altar during my first youth mass and Father Tom yelling at me about being a tattle tale

Canooing at Sunset beach and sinking and our oar fight

getting coffee for John Carney at our first Parish Council meeting and me accidentally giving it to Frank Cleary when we got back.

being in teen choir with Barry.. propositions

creating your own neopets account and naming the Holy See as your country of origin

impromptu prayer circle at your house the night everything blew up with sean and lis

hot grease in Father Toms face and eating jello behind the church after

you calling my house at 2am whenever my dad was out of town just because we were both still up doing homeowrk

when the BMT website was new and FP and Jake tried to have set chat session times and you called yourself God

Going to daily Mass on Columbus day and then breakfasting at Victoria diner and then walking to the Cathedral...

Rolling down the Cathedral steps...

getting colored hair spray in the rain walking home from the cathedral

when you taught me the difference between the prostate and the scrotum and that the scrotum could not be milked to artificially inseminate a person

Ice cream sunday party in the lower church after sneaking in with dev and kris after the cathedral.

when there was a gas leak on columbia road and I cried because I thought the chrch was gona blow up so you walked me home

when you were having a bad week and didnt want to go to swim so you came over to my house an we had a prayer service on my couch

when you stole mase from your dads desk for me to carry on my keychain

this convo:
Jame: Who appoints bishops?
Peter: The Pope, right
Jame: no, the Supreme Pontiff
Petey: um, Jamie, thats the same person.

The youth group retreat when you spilled wax down the front of my black skirt and even father paul told me to do my reputation a favor and remove the wax

father paul telling us to share the couch and then you falling asleep and using my foot as a pillow.

Going downtown with for Devins birthday and arguing over how big the breasts of the women on the fountain were...

buying gummy sharks before seeing narnia and how insanely amused i was by the concept of something gummy other than a worm

when I got lost for two hours trying to get to Blodgett pool to see your harvard swim meet...
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