Apr 28, 2005 10:24
anyone interested, a Qigong master is coming for a workshop 14/15 may, bloody excellent set of exercises that gets the energy moving, and a group healing 17th may, followed by a qigong class. Suitable beginners, advanced, healers, joe bloggs. Very good destressing stuff. All will be at the St Martins Hall in Northumberland St. probably easiest to email for more details to sftibet.dunedin@clear.net.nz This will be possibly the last visit like this, he is not going to do many more workshops, if we get a good crew maybe in a years time there could be one more as he is book writing, and wants to do a retreat. This man was in charge of the acute patients at what was China's largest medicineless healing hospital, with a phenominal success rate, but had to close down cos of Falun Gong persecution (this is not Falun Gong btw, but Zhineng Qigong, one of 4 approved Gigongs to be practised in China and one of 10 banned to be practiced in a group cos of its effectiveness!) He does do Qi healings as well but I suspect they are full.
ON another note, wasn't that snow GREAT!! early start to winter!