Sep 08, 2007 23:55
So, I was thoroughly over the whole Templeton ordeal. Really I was believe it or not.
But then I see them together. Then I see them come over to the Mustard House.. the place that I was told she wasn't allowed to be at... the place that I thought could be my sanctuary from her...
and then they walk in, and no one says a fucking word to her. I leave. and no one says a fucking word to me either.
I love how so many people say that they are on my side in this thing, yet they still have no problem letting me get into these situations. I lvoe the people at the Mustard house and I thought I was safe there. I'm not safe anywhere anymore.
I thought I was safe at the bench too, but Chris invited them to come over there with us later tonight.
So much for places that I can party without having to worry about them being there.
I have no where, and most importantly I have no one.