Dec 24, 2005 12:00
i slept quit well lastnight i think i need to go out n do stuff to wake up n be more excited for the nex day which kind of came at a perfect time cuz i havnt done shit lately and i went out lastnight jus to hang out with some gurl who ended up bein quite the qt. but neways yea, like i was sayin i woke up in a good mood on xmas eve so pretty good combo. neway i hate eating cereal around other people i think maybe jus my sister cuz she sounds like a broken vacuum eating the sh*#....i wanna break the bowl over her head...and let her tears look like corn pops....i think that would beat crying a river...woo. newayz im quite happy about the holidayz cuz i did some sweet shoppin and hope to get some sweet shit in return. newayz im out.