Oct 08, 2004 21:53
i was bored and theses are hilarious so read them
I'd love to be like you but I just can't stick my head that far up my ass.
Do homeless people get knock-knock jokes?
In the old days you never could tell how drunk you were. Nowadays we have machines to tell you how drunk you are. We call them Karaoke machines.
Next time you think you're so perfect, try walking on water
Did you know?...In every episode of Seinfeld there is a Superman somewhere.
Did you know?...The Eiffel Tower in Paris weighs over 1000 elephants.
Did you know?...If you could count the number of times a cricket chirps in one minute, divide by 2, add 9 and divide by 2 again, you would have the correct temperature in celcius degrees... How do they know that?
Did you know?...The average chocolate bar has 8 insects' legs in it.
Did you know?...The sentence "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" uses every letter in the English language.
Why do Tic Tacs have to announce that extra half calorie? Do you know anyone that has become hideously obese from eating breath mints?
I love the internet. Where else could a word as short as "ok" be shortened to "k" just to save a millisecond of time?
Why do you press harder on a remote control when you know the battery is dead?
If it's zero degrees outside today and it's supposed to be twice as cold tomorrow, how cold is it going to be?
Why is Lisp spelt with an "S"?
********Things to do at a Fast Food Restaurant***********
Take your car through the drive-thru in reverse.
Refuse to give them money until they win at Paper/Rock/Scissors
Ask for a burger that looks more like the pictures.
Call the psychic hotline and don't say anything.
Whenever you answer the phone, do so in a french accent, and slowly change it to a japanese accent.
yeah yeah i hate stevo springer i hope he dies a long painful death so he can remember what means things he has done and how stupid he is and how he wasted his time trying to be cool.