Nov 22, 2008 23:45
An expert from the prologue of his new book "Why We Suck":
"Here's another lively topic:
It says somewhere in the piece of paper that this great country of ours was founded upon that all men are created equal.
All men are created equal as long as they don't wanna blow each other.
And then decide to keep on blowing each other long enough to fall in love.
And then suddenly express a desire to formalize that relationship by getting married.
It's apparently okay to have sex with other guys as long as you keep it secret and have a wife who somehow doesn't know AND you are either the pastor of a church or a sitting senator or both. In Larry Craig's case the term "sitting senator" will more than likely get a laugh out of you-- as will the term "wide stance."
Yep--There is a real fear in America that gay marriage will somehow up-end heterosexual unions and throw the entire moral fabric of the country into a tailspin-- no pun intended.
I know several gay men and gay women involved in very committed and honest relationships with other gay men and gay women that would put a lot of straight married couples to shame. They are monogamous and caring and devoted and affectionate.
Besides-- why shouldn't they get married? Why should straight married couples be the only ones who never have sex, argue incessantly over what to watch on TV and walk around on a daily basis harboring a deep and bottomless well of resentment and anger pieced together brick by murderous brick over years and years of both real and imagined slights and emotional warfare and wallpaper choices? Shit--I say marry every gay willing couple off right now. Mark my words--just like the rest of us--within eighteen months at least half of them come running back to court begging to be released from such an endlessly mind- and libido-numbing fate.
Open ass--Insert Bill of Rights. "
I'm halfway through his new book already, good shit if you can get past the purposely bad grammar (lots of run-on sentences that are purposely there to make the voice of the book really stand out..)