Mar 21, 2006 07:02
So its been a long long time since any updates. And odds are after this post it will be a long long time until any further updates as well. Just to let everyone know, i am amazing at poker. For those who are curious how amazing i actually am i have made a good $3,000+ over the last few months playing online poker. I should be a ringer. Or maybe i already am. Anyway, college is boring as usual and i have a lot of shit im putting off until the last possible moment to do. Typical. Josh's romantic life has been dwindling but hopefully he'll find some girl he can have more than a fling with, or not, we'll have to see. I've drank more soda in the last few days than i have in the past month. Diet though, oh god!! I'd fuckin off myself if it weren't diet. My laptop has been in the shop more times in the last month, than...i guess it's ever been before, yeah, i couldn't think of anything witty to say right there. Why can't they just do their fucking job right for once and fix it for good, that or give me a completely new laptop that doesn't suck laptop dick all the time. From now on my laptop is known as fagtop until it stops gobbling up all that penis. I played in this poker tournament this morning for $3 and got first place and won $346.50, to be exact. It was worth not going to class at all, cuz if i hadn't slept in then i never would've played in the tournament later on and i wouldnt have the money i do now. And missing a day of classes to me, is well worth $346...and 50 cents. But seriously thats like working hmm...lets see.........................exactly 46.2 hours at my old job. In like 2 fuckin hours! Alright ill quit talking about poker now. I have to go to the bathroom now but i'm kind of scared to leave my laptop in the lounge for a quick minute. I'm on some wireless connection through someones wireless router in my dorm right now, that's why i'm in the lounge. I guess i changed my mind since i began typing all of this, maybe i will start posting journal entries more often, it depends if people actually read them or not. Whats the point of having a public online journal if people arent there to leave comments either bickering about some stupid thing you wrote or leaving you comments that say ', you are just too awesome' and if you are a girl possibly 'josh, let's do some crazy seriously i wanna go whack some midgets with a 9 iron and throw em in a cement truck.'