hello there

Jul 19, 2004 01:04

There is nothing more annoying than that altoid paper they slip into each and every package. I mean seriously what purpose does it serve. Its like its just there to make noise because when you go to grab an altoid all you hear is the crinkling of the paper, plus when your trying to chomp a few down in a movie theatre and keep it quiet its kind of hard to do so. So damn you altoid paper, damn you. Anyway today, rather yesterday for anyone who's actually keeping precise track of time was pretty cool. I spent like two hours up at the JD high school football field playing football with all the guys from the fun junction arcade WHILE FISCOE PLAYED FOR LIKE 2 MINUTES, you god damn lazy diabetic bastard. And for anyone that actually likes to stand up for people with livejournal comments, fiscoe is actually a diabetic bastard, go ahead, ask him yourself. So after the football game jon fox drove us to carvel where we saw the ever so kickass katie tightass at work. We got free ice cream, it was sweet. I had chocolate chip cookie dough with hot fudge and reese's peanut butter bites on top for anyone who cared to know. Then after she got out of work we all went to see I, Robot. (I didn't forget the comma, it's there, go ahead and check.) So the movie ended and we all had an orgy in the back of the theatre. Actually i was just kidding about that last part but it got me thinking, what makes an orgy, like exactly how many people have to be in it? Anyway im back home now so booyah, im outty.
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