Ten Days Meme...maybe I'll finish this one this time.

Nov 05, 2010 02:18

Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now.
Day Two: Nine things about yourself.
Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.
Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
Day Five: Six things you wish you’d never done.
Day Six: Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever)
Day Seven: Four turn offs.
Day Eight: Three turn ons.
Day Nine: Two images that describe your life right now, and why.
Day Ten: One confession

Yeah, I stole this from two people in my f-list, what of it.

1. You've been my friend the longest out of anyone I've met from NJ, which really means, you've been my friend longer than anyone else. WE'RE BESTIES. You are way too kind and patient and sometimes I feel like you think I take you for granted, but I totally do not. I know we hit a rough patch a few years ago, but I'm glad we were able to get through it, bb. I really miss being able to hang out all the time with you, but I know that's a part of growing up. You better hang out with me when I get back to the States are there will be hell to pay. HELL, YOU HEAR ME?

2. You've taught me so much and I have no doubt that you'll continue to do so and I dunno how I can repay it EXCEPT BY MAKING YOU LAUGH AT 1:00 AM. That is my payment, haha. Nah, but seriously, you're always a giant ear on a torso and I'm glad I can be the same to you if eve in a small way. You're made of win and coconuts and the world shall know your name one day. ONE DAY. You'll see...

3. Bwah, you're a sister from another mister, lady. Even though we've never met (Which we totally will one day), I feel like we've become sooo, sooo tight. I mean, hey, we finish each other's sentences half the time, anyway. You make me think I should answer beta reader want ads more often. I need to thank you in a million ways for being there when other people weren't and putting up with my stubbornness head on more often than most. You rock my sockkkss. And I want to eat your pets. Just sayin'.

4. We haven't known each other for terribly long, but I think we click really well. You're funny and too damn nice for your own good sometimes. I seem to have a lot of friends with those traits, hah. I'll take this anonymity to admit I have a bit of a crush on you. :3

5, Another sister from another mister. OH YOU. It's lulzy how fate sorta brought us together and I'm glad it did. I look up to you like a big sister, but I'm happy age doesn't separate us from chilling out when we can with the gang. You're always someone I know I can lean on and saved me that last crazy month of work from not going crazy. Thanks for understanding me when others couldn't/didn't. Can't wait to hang out again. :D

6. Stop stalking me, you fucking pervert. I wish I called the cops on you a year ago, because then maybe you would've learned your lesson in how to be a normal person. I don't even know why I hung out with you, probably because you bounced into The Circle and expected us to deal with it. Buzz off and get a life. No one cares about your dumb ass.

7. I heard you dug me in high school yet made fun of me and judged me likwhoa in my face? I even heard you defended me a bunch? What the hell's up with that? I take it you trust my judgement, contacting me all the time with your college assignments, but your social skills are much to be desired. I know we started off hating each other's guts and learned to like one another, but come on, man. Then you wonder why you can't get a girlfriend.

8. You guys...I'm sorry, but just leave me alone. We never really clicked when you lived in NJ and now you're too far away for me to try and keep any sort of friendship. I was always sorta weirded out when you showed up at my doorstep, though I know you guys were being friendly. You're just too quiet to hold a conversation with and that's pretty hard for me to put up with considering how loud I can get, guys. So just...I'll live my life, you live yours? Peace.

9. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have survived high school in one piece. The bajillion inside jokes we have need to one day either be conceptualized or at least compiled in a New York Best Seller book. Seriously. I sorta wish we all went to the same college just to continue the shenanigans, but we all know how that goes.


meme, meme!tiem

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